Fit Strength Performance

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Price: $59.99

Item Description

The Program

This is a 4-week program designed to take your performance to the next level. If you are follow the program you will:

Jump Higher
Play Stronger
Be More Explosive
Become Less Injury Prone

Each session will be 60 minutes long and will involve athletic focused movements and also resistance training exercises. You will need access to equipment such as barbells, trap bars, plyometric boxes or something to jump on, DB's or KBs, a foam roller, and resistance bands. This is not a bodyweight program therefore if you do not have access to the above equipment this program is not for you.

This program is a 3-day a week plan but you will also have access to a speed program that you can implement on the other days. Although this program stresses increasing your vertical, you will also develop strength and imrpove your change of direction and lateral quickness.

If you are experiencing any pain we strongly advise that you consult with a doctor before beginning this program. If you are just returning from an injury we recommend consulting with a Physcal Therapist or your doctor before beginning this plan.